Friday, May 13, 2016

Summer Road Trip Tips | Larry H. Miller Volkswagen Avondale

The kids are almost out of school, and before we know it road trip season will be in full swing. Though summer vacations mean quality family time and great memories, many people dread the drive it takes together. 

Unfortunately we don't have a way to shorten the drive, but we do have a few tips that will make the getaway in your Volkswagen more enjoyable!

1. Bring a REAL roadmap

If your Volkswagen has a navigation system, you shouldn't experience any issues. However, we've all had times where our navigation apps on our smart phones have taken us in circles. This is where having an actual map comes in handy.

2. Take breaks

It may be tempting to power through, but both you and the kids will be happier if you pull your Volkswagen over for breaks. Get out, stretch your legs, and take a moment to refresh. If not, the kids will get uncomfortable and the whining will begin. 

3. Pack A LOT of activities

Even an ipad can only entertain kids for so long. Bring a variety of activities to keep them occupied in the back seat of your Volkswagen. Recommendations include coloring books, Where's Waldo books, I Spy books, Bingo, etc.

4. Pack healthy snacks

It's easy to stock up on sugary food when you're at the gas station, but avoid this if possible. Healthy snacks will keep both you and your kids full longer, and you'll avoid sugar overloads. Stock your Volkswagen with fruit, crackers, cheese, granola bars, and fruit leather. 


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